Commemorating January 6, 2021

Another day to live in infamy

Greg Proffit
3 min readJan 6, 2022

I have mixed feelings about today, the one year anniversary of the storming of the US Capitol. Commemorations are scheduled throughout the day. This is fitting, I suppose, especially to honor the lives of the fallen officers, those who were killed by the mob, and those who took their own lives in the following days and weeks.

Speaking of the mob, they are, depending upon one’s political viewpoint, fascist insurrectionists, patriotic heroes, accidental storm-troopers, First-Amendment-Protected political protesters, or, as is the claim of some, simply tourists.

I remember watching the scene of January 6, 2021 unfold with horror on the television. Yes, the revolution was being televised. Only in this instance, it was a devolution. The images of flag-carrying, costumed, camouflaged crazies re-kindled the horror of 9–11, and the day I watched the Trade Center towers fall. The feelings of helplessness mingled with outrage caused an adrenalin dump from which most of the sane portion of the nation still hasn’t recovered. I know I haven’t.

That we are one year in without any of the day’s big name hate-mongering, speech-making fomenters being charged with crimes, much less incarcerated, is shocking. It reveals the tepid infirmity, if not the outright impotence of the justice…



Greg Proffit

Communication Studies & Sociology scholar on God, Language, Love, Literature, Living, Music, Politics, Psychology, etc. —325+ stories.